Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Who do you like more

By simply defining thousands of hundreds of Chinese oversea students, scholars, Chinese descendants gathered today in San Francisco, who showed overwhelmingly proud to the progress their country has been made, as supporters, the western media put all their energy to report how great the Tibet demonstrators were and took tons of pictures of them.

Not even mentioning one word of the torchbearers, who are the outstanding athletes and representing human beings’ great spirit of challenging themselves, the media just tuned a blind eye to them, but tried to capture every face of the demonstrators.

Totally ignoring the fact that torch brings the message of friendship and peace all along from the other side of the world, again, the media just remember to slash on China’s face.

If you are a fair and just media, why do not you even show your people just even one picture of Chinese students? If you are fair, why do not you put the progress we have been made and where we need to improve together for people to make a fair judgment.

Olympics belong to the whole world and it is the opportunity for the whole world to get together to celebrate. It is not some people’s tool to realize their personal conspiracy and neither is it your political target to show how tough you are.

I respect people’s passion of protecting human rights, however, could you please act after you find out the truth. How come CNN simply uses Nepal Police chasing monks’ pictures to fool the whole US nation? It showed up on TV again today and I felt so sad. People do not even know Chinese police never had and have that uniform.


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