Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oil crisis?Nonsense

There's no oil crisis but the United States and Western world jointly manipulated this crisis. Now, they get what they want. They are able to go back to Iraq and get the oil fields through non-bid contracts which were nationalized by Saddam Husein's administration.

It is just a start and they will force the government to give them more and more.

Blaming China and India's increasing demand? Nonsense, China has nothing to do with spiking oil prices by pure a victim of it. Pushing the oil price up is not only getting the US and western oil companies shares in Oil-rich countries, but also a way to push up the inflation rate in developing countries and squeeze up the wealth they just accumulated. What is worse, the US got the control of the international energy framework and China , India can never gain any power in this field. Tell you what, oil crisis is the US and the western world conspiracy. The US economy can stand this short term pain to sustain its super power position in the long run. It rather sacrifice its short term normal people's interests to gain profits for its oil companies. The US policy is large interests group's policy ever and the Oil companies are the winners of the manipulated oil crisis.

The U.S is showing the world, especially China, that its superpower can never be challenged. Who controls oil who controls the world. Never believe the US is a good-will country . China needs to rely on itself.


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